Dexter Mosley Act Participation Declaration
Student Name
Student Name
Parent Name
Parent Name
Permanent Address, City, Zip
Contact Email
Contact Phone
Contact Phone
BCSS School of Residence:
Bear Creek Middle School
Haymon-Morris Middle School
Russell Middle School
Westside Middle School
Apalachee High School
Winder-Barrow High School
School/Homeschool Program Currently Enrolled:
Grade Level
I understand this declaration must be submitted to the school of residence 30 days prior to semester of participation.
I understand my student must maintain enrollment in one course per semester to remain eligible for extra-curricular and interscholastic athletics.
I understand my student must adhere to attendance requirements per BCSS Student/Parent Handbook.
I understand my student must meet the same eligibility requirements as full-time BCSS students (accumulated units, units passed the previous semester, etc.).
I understand my student must reside in the attendance area of his/her custodial parent’s primary residence.
I understand my student must attain approval to participate at Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy (BCSS Choice High School) OR must participate in the school of residence.
I understand my student must follow the BCSS Code of Conduct.
I understand withdrawal of my student from BCSS to homeschool full-time will result in the loss of eligibility for one calendar year.
I understand my student is ineligible to participate in the BCSS graduation.
I understand my student must attain Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation (linked above).
I understand my student must be enrolled in the Barrow County School System (BCSS).
Electronic Signature